Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

    • The space will be provisionally booked for the subject event. Booking shall only be confirmed on the basis of advance deposit.
    • (i) 20% of the charges (Non-refundable) of the stand rates are payable in advance within one week of the receipt of invoice for provisional reserved space.
      (ii) 2nd installment of 20% of the charges (Non-refundable) of the stand rates are payable before 10th November 2023 against booked space.
    • The balance shall be paid 60 days before the event dates. However, the tariff rates (as per current dollar rate applicable) for the subject year are tentative and subject to revision.
    • In case of non-payment of advance booking within said deadline therefore booking will be cancelled automatically and space shall be allocated to first come first serve basis. The provisional booking of the subject exhibition against 40% advance deposit is liable to any change / cancellation under the rules.

    Organizer reserve the rights to relocate/alteration in booking space if 100% payment as per said deadline not received.

General Terms & Conditions may please be referred which is an integral part of this booking.

Terms of Space Booking:

  • Article 1 : Definitions
  1. “Exhibitor” is a person, company, association or any organization that register to exhibit at exhibition.
  2. “Exhibition” shall mean the event as indicated overleaf.
  3. “Organizer” shall mean FAKT EXHIBITIONS (PVT) LTD.
  • Article 2 : Contract

“Contract” shall mean this agreement entered into between the Organizer and the Exhibitor for the use of the stand or space in the Exhibition and shall include the terms and conditions contained herein.

  • Article 3 : Exhibit Space Assignment

Exhibit space is assigned with regard to the contracted size and shall be made in the prescribed application submitted to the Organizer with the required deposit (see Terms of Payment for details).

  • Article 4 : Terms of Payment


  • The space will be provisionally booked for the subject event. Booking shall only be confirmed on the basis of advance deposit.
  • (i) 20% of the charges (Non-refundable) of the stand rates are payable in advance within one week of the receipt of invoice for provisional reserved space.
    (ii) 2nd installment of 20% of the charges (Non-refundable) of the stand rates are payable before 10th November 2023 against booked space.
  • The balance shall be paid 60 days before the event dates. However, the tariff rates (as per current dollar rate applicable) for the subject year are tentative and subject to revision.
  • In case of non-payment of advance booking within said deadline therefore booking will be cancelled automatically and space shall be allocated to first come first serve basis. The provisional booking of the subject exhibition against 40% advance deposit is liable to any change / cancellation under the rules.
  • Payment of all additional fees shall be payable by the Exhibitor immediately upon presentation of the invoice by the Organizer to the Exhibitors.
  • All fees payable by the Exhibitor shall be due on the aforesaid dates without formal demand from the Organizer and in the event of late or non-payment the Organizer shall be entitled at their sole discretion to treat such acts or omission/s as withdrawal by the Exhibitors and to forfeit the Exhibitor’s right to participate in the Exhibition.


  • Article 5 : Withdrawal by the Exhibitor

Except as provided for in this clause the Exhibitors on submission of a signed copy of the application shall not be entitled to withdraw from the Exhibition. Notice to withdraw shall be made in writing to the Organizer and shall not be effective unless written consent is given by the Organizer or unless alternative terms have been consented to by the Organizer in writing the Exhibitors intending to withdraw shall pay to the Organizer the following:

The cancellation charge is calculated as a proportion of the participation fee, depending on how long before the start of the event the withdrawal is received:

  1. 6 months or more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50%
  2. between 3 and 6 months _ _ _ _ _ _ 60%
  3. between 2 and 3 months _ _ _ _ _ _ 80%
  4. between 1 and 2 months _ _ _ _ _ _ 100%

Should the exhibitors withdraw their participation three weeks before the exhibition commences the Organizer reserve the right to claim the full amount reflected in the contract and other loss or damages suffered by the Organizer.

  • Article 6 : Change of Venue or Dates

The Organizer shall be entitled to change the venue, dates and or duration of the Exhibition by giving to the Exhibitor a notice in writing at least One (1) month before the present proposed date of the Exhibition without being liable for any loss or damages suffered by the Exhibitor or for the return of the deposit or any part thereof.

  • Article 7 : Cancellation or Reduction Exhibition
  1. Should an exhibitor cancel from the exhibition or reduce the size of space after the registration deadline, exhibitor will be charged a penalty for the cancellation or reduction without notice and the pre-paid deposit will be applied toward the penalty. If the exhibitor reduces the contracted space, the abandoned space shall be regarded to be cancelled.
  2. Upon an exhibitor’s written notification of cancellation, the organizer has the right to resell the space vacated.
  3. The date upon which the notice of cancellation is received will be the official dated of cancellations, and an informal notice without written documentation shall not be accepted as cancellation.
  4. The Organizer reserve the right to cancel the exhibition or reduce the space area accordingly and will not in any way is liable to any claim for loss or damages suffered by the exhibitor.
  5. If the event should not take place due to Force Majeure before 90 days prior event date caused by any sort of pandemic situations, the initial deposit made by Exhibitor will be (non-refundable) and carry forward to next scheduled dates of event. The Organizer responsibility is limited to this amount.

While, if Exhibitor do not showed up or would like to withdrawal due to Force Majeure Pandemic situations, the cancellation charge is calculated as a proportion of the participation fee, depending on how long before the start of the event the withdrawal is received:

  • 6 months or more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50%
  • between 3 and 6 months _ _ _ _ _ _ 60%
  • between 2 and 3 months _ _ _ _ _ _ 80%
  • between 1 and 2 months _ _ _ _ _ _ 100%


  • Article 8 : Construction & Dismantlement

Construction and dismantlement exhibit space should be completed by the deadline set forth by the organizer. Exhibitors shall be liable for any loss caused by the delay of construction or dismantlement (Please refer to the Exhibitors’ Information and Order Manual for terms of the violation)

  • Article 9 : Regulations on the Copyrighted Materials

Each exhibitor is responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use music, photographs or other copyrighted materials in the exhibitor’s booth or display.  No exhibitor will be permitted to play, broadcast or perform any contents or use any other copyrighted materials, such as photographs or other artistic works, without first presenting to the organizer satisfactory proof that the exhibitor has, or does not need a license to use such contents or copyrighted material.

  • Article 10: Liability & Insurance

Exhibitors shall be liable for any and all damage caused by the Exhibitor or their employees, agents or contractors, to the venue or to and equipment, facilities, goods or person within the venue. Each exhibitor should be insured against all risks, including fire and third party liability. The organizer, to protect the exhibitors’ rights and interests, shall security service; However, the organizer is not responsible for the lost, disappearance or theft of any goods, material or objects at the exhibition site.

  • Article 11 : Amendments of Regulations

Any and all matters and questions not specifically covered by the articles in this contract shall be subject to the decision of the organizer.  The aforementioned items covered by this contract may be amended at any time by the organizer in the interest of the Exhibition and notice thereof shall be binding on the exhibitors equally with the foregoing in this contract

  • Article 12 : Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan and parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Pakistan.

We agreed with the company stamps and authorized signatures on the above and accepted the terms and conditions and have no objections to the provisions therein.